Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of PEF, PC1, PBMV, INT, PATTERN, IPG, PAINT, ISM, IVP

File Type:Pentax Digital Camera Raw Image Format
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:Pentax Digital Camera Raw Image Format. Uncompressed RAW photograph taken with a Pentax digital camera; stores image information exactly how it was captured by the camera's sensor, with no compression or color adjustment.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  ImageMagick Studio LLC


ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves.

The functionality of ImageMagick is typically utilized from the command line or you can use the features from programs written in your favorite programming language. Choose from these interfaces: G2F (Ada), MagickCore (C), MagickWand (C), ChMagick (Ch), ImageMagickObject (COM+), Magick++ (C++), JMagick (Java), L-Magick (Lisp), NMagick (Neko/haXe), MagickNet (.NET), PascalMagick (Pascal), PerlMagick (Perl), MagickWand for PHP (PHP), IMagick (PHP), PythonMagick (Python), RMagick (Ruby), or TclMagick (Tcl/TK). With a language interface, use ImageMagick to modify or create images dynamically and automagically.

File Type:Atari Degas image
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:Atari Degas Image - bitmap graphics - low resolution.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Pierre.e Gougelet

XnView is a utility for viewing and converting graphic files.

It has the features :

* Import about 400 graphic file formats
* Export about 50 graphic file formats
* Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
* Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
* EXIF auto rotation support
* IPTC editing
* Resize, rotate, crop support
* Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
* Adjust brightness, contrast...
* Auto levels, contrast
* Modify number of colors
* Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
* Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
* Fullscreen mode
* Slide show with effects
* Batch convert, batch rename
* Create WEB page easily
* Screen capture
* Create contact Sheet
* Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
* TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
* Print support (Windows only)
* Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
* Compare image side by side
* Filmstrip layout
* 44 languages support (Windows only)
* And many many other things..
* No Adware, No Spyware

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization).

File Type:Portable bitmap file
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:The portable bitmap format is a lowest common denominator monochrome file format. It was originally designed to make it reasonable to mail bitmaps between different types of machines using the typical stupid network mailers we have today. Now it serves as the common language of a large family of bitmap conversion filters.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Pierre.e Gougelet

XnView is a utility for viewing and converting graphic files.

It has the features :

* Import about 400 graphic file formats
* Export about 50 graphic file formats
* Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
* Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
* EXIF auto rotation support
* IPTC editing
* Resize, rotate, crop support
* Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
* Adjust brightness, contrast...
* Auto levels, contrast
* Modify number of colors
* Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
* Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
* Fullscreen mode
* Slide show with effects
* Batch convert, batch rename
* Create WEB page easily
* Screen capture
* Create contact Sheet
* Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
* TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
* Print support (Windows only)
* Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
* Compare image side by side
* Filmstrip layout
* 44 languages support (Windows only)
* And many many other things..
* No Adware, No Spyware

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization).

File Type:Silicon Graphics Image File Format
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:The SGI format is a bitmap that originally was used for images produced on Silicon Graphics machines. The format allows compressed (using a run-length encoding system) or uncompressed images, in monochrome and color, with the option of alpha transparency. for both monochrome and color images.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

File Type:PhotoLine 5 Default File
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:Probably default file extension for PhotoLine 5.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:

An imaging software, image browser, layout program, vector editor, batchconverter and web editor with many functions. The imaging functions offers all tools you need: Painting, cloning, filtering, blending and flood fill, special effects like squirl, shadow, glowing, distorb, morphing, 3d projection. Working layers, clipping layers, dynamic layer effects. Support of CMYK images, 16 bit per color channel, ICC profiles, EXIF digital camera data. Multiple undo/redo levels, plugin filters and much more.

Support for many picture formats. The image browser shows your image folders, you can copy, add/remove folders, show image information, … Create empty sheets of paper, place your images, text, vector graphics on it. Great text functions like text flow along vector graphics, around or inside layers and from one page to another. Poster and Label printing. Save and read your PDF-files with PhotoLine. Create your vector graphics, add, remove, move vector points. Convert lines to beziers, fill with pattern, … PhotoLine has an action recorder. You can record your jobs and use the batch converter to do this jobs on all images of a folder. Do all your work for the web with PhotoLine. Transparent and animated GIFs, animatimations, JPEG2000, Flash format (swf). Create animated buttons, image maps, html overviews, …

File Type:Mindjongg Format image format
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:Probably old image format.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Pierre.e Gougelet

XnView is a utility for viewing and converting graphic files.

It has the features :

* Import about 400 graphic file formats
* Export about 50 graphic file formats
* Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
* Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
* EXIF auto rotation support
* IPTC editing
* Resize, rotate, crop support
* Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
* Adjust brightness, contrast...
* Auto levels, contrast
* Modify number of colors
* Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
* Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
* Fullscreen mode
* Slide show with effects
* Batch convert, batch rename
* Create WEB page easily
* Screen capture
* Create contact Sheet
* Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
* TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
* Print support (Windows only)
* Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
* Compare image side by side
* Filmstrip layout
* 44 languages support (Windows only)
* And many many other things..
* No Adware, No Spyware

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization).

File Type:Apple Macintosh MacPaint bitmap file
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:Apple Macintosh MacPaint file : Bitmap graphics B&W.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Apple, Inc.


MacPaint is a bitmap-based graphics painting software program developed by Apple Computer and released with the original Macintosh personal computer in 1984.

File Type:Image System (Multicolor) image format
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:Probably old format, unsupported.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Pierre.e Gougelet

XnView is a utility for viewing and converting graphic files.

It has the features :

* Import about 400 graphic file formats
* Export about 50 graphic file formats
* Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
* Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
* EXIF auto rotation support
* IPTC editing
* Resize, rotate, crop support
* Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
* Adjust brightness, contrast...
* Auto levels, contrast
* Modify number of colors
* Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
* Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
* Fullscreen mode
* Slide show with effects
* Batch convert, batch rename
* Create WEB page easily
* Screen capture
* Create contact Sheet
* Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
* TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
* Print support (Windows only)
* Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
* Compare image side by side
* Filmstrip layout
* 44 languages support (Windows only)
* And many many other things..
* No Adware, No Spyware

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization).

File Type:Truevision Targa bitmap image
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:TarGA format developed by Truevision for their Targa and Vista products.

TGA is an industry standard designed for high-end paint programs and ray tracing packages on systems that use MS-DOS color applications. It is not as widely supported as PCX or TIFF formats nor in Windows-only applications. It was one of the first formats able to handle images with up to sixteen million unique colors. TGA files may be saved compressed (run length encoded) or not compressed.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Pierre.e Gougelet

XnView is a utility for viewing and converting graphic files.

It has the features :

* Import about 400 graphic file formats
* Export about 50 graphic file formats
* Multipage TIFF, Animated GIF, Animated ICO support
* Image IPTC, EXIF metadata support
* EXIF auto rotation support
* IPTC editing
* Resize, rotate, crop support
* Lossless rotate & crop (jpeg) support
* Adjust brightness, contrast...
* Auto levels, contrast
* Modify number of colors
* Apply filters (blur, average, emboss, ...)
* Apply effects (lens, wave, ...)
* Fullscreen mode
* Slide show with effects
* Batch convert, batch rename
* Create WEB page easily
* Screen capture
* Create contact Sheet
* Create or edit Multi-page file (TIFF, DCX, LDF)
* TWAIN & WIA support (Windows only)
* Print support (Windows only)
* Drag & Drop support (Windows only)
* Compare image side by side
* Filmstrip layout
* 44 languages support (Windows only)
* And many many other things..
* No Adware, No Spyware

XnView is provided as FREEWARE for private non-commercial or educational use (including non-profit organization).

File Type:Nokia OTA bitmap file
Category:Bitmap image
File Description:File extension used by Nokia for OTA On-The-Air) bitmap.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  ImageMagick Studio LLC


ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves.

The functionality of ImageMagick is typically utilized from the command line or you can use the features from programs written in your favorite programming language. Choose from these interfaces: G2F (Ada), MagickCore (C), MagickWand (C), ChMagick (Ch), ImageMagickObject (COM+), Magick++ (C++), JMagick (Java), L-Magick (Lisp), NMagick (Neko/haXe), MagickNet (.NET), PascalMagick (Pascal), PerlMagick (Perl), MagickWand for PHP (PHP), IMagick (PHP), PythonMagick (Python), RMagick (Ruby), or TclMagick (Tcl/TK). With a language interface, use ImageMagick to modify or create images dynamically and automagically.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC